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Atlantic Crossing – Day 19… Ice Cream Sunday

Writer's picture: Two DriftersTwo Drifters

In the last 24 hours – 170 miles sailed. 263 miles to go! GMT -3

So after a sleepless night for most of us, the day dawned with an awesome sunrise….as well as rough seas and lots of wind. For the first time, daytime watches on the Bridge meant wearing life-jackets and these were also required out on deck too – which made sunbathing just a little bit more difficult!

We changed our clocks back during the day, and we all made use of the extra hour to catch 40 winks. After late afternoon cat-napping, Skipper learned never again to leave the cabin roof hatch open while in big seas; as just before nightfall it was discovered that a wave had gone over the back of the boat and dived straight onto his bed. The First Lady was not amused, but thankfully she was not in the bed at the same time as the wave hit!

The freezer decided to have a little blip and start defrosting, which caused us a few issues as we still have several ready-made-up meals to eat. So tomorrow’s lunch will be a special ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffet.

Skipper declared today is Ice Cream Sunday, and just before the freezer packed up completely, he produced a Cornetto for everyone on board. The glee at eating ice cream on the crews’ faces was priceless.

But it was a long night to follow in rough seas and lots of wind, topping off at 38 knots. The boat speed clocked up to a massive 18.5 knots at one point as we skidded down a very large wave. Heroically, Skipper stayed on watch all night and helmed the boat through the worst of it. As sunrise appeared so did a few squalls.

Skipper Says…Tomorrow is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Oohh Arr Me’hearties.

© Two Drifters Travel


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