Fabulous news… we are three-quarters of our way across the Pacific and now on the final furlong, with less 900 miles to go. Whoop Whoop. Reaching such a momentous countdown was cause for a little celebration – and Skipper does like a treat – so the two emergency cold beers that have been sitting in the fridge for three weeks were opened at last and tasted blummin’ marvellous!
From my last post, which expressed our tiredness, some of you asked why we didn’t enlist in the help of additional crew on this passage. It was something we discussed in depth, as an extra pair of hands to help with the shifts would have been much appreciated, but the cons, detailed below, far outweighed the pros.
After a month at sea, on arrival in French Polynesia, our plan was to explore the Marquesas Islands and Tuamotus before heading to civilisation in the Society Islands, where Tahiti and the international airport are. So realistically, if we had recruited extra crew, it would have been very expensive for them to leave before Tahiti, so they would have been on board for three to four months. This is a long time to share our home; especially with someone we didn’t know very well.
We also took our lead from friends who had sailed across the Pacific before us, who vouched for the sailing being downwind and manageable for two people. For us, to do it double-handed was also a challenge and an aspiration; an achievement to be proud of that we accomplished together.
And the last point, only apparent now with hindsight, but with coronavirus, the responsibility of having crew to think about would have made the journey so much more stressful. From where to make landfall – difficult when some islands are only open to certain nationalities – through to changing flights, repatriation options, visas and restricted provisioning. So, all-in-all, it could have given us so many more problems than just the lack of sleep that we’ve endured over the last few days.
We’ve been very comfortable sailing across the Pacific, just the two of us, but I like to be honest and to tell you when we’ve reached our limits; especially as you’re with us, every step of the way, on this adventure.
And finally…in the last 48 hours, we’ve enjoyed calmer seas, a lovely bright moon and lots of stars; however, we’ve also had more than our fair share of wet weather, less wind and confused seas. Neptune is throwing a little bit of everything at us, so we’re making ‘way’ while the sun shines with all the sails up, and reefing hard at night.
Landfall in Nuku Hiva is currently expected to be on Friday morning – making it a very Good Friday indeed
Total miles sailed in 48 hours: 338
Dates: Friday 3 April & Saturday 4 April
Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.
