We are now firmly into the trade winds, with larger seas, so the boat is getting into her full swing in the Pacific Ocean and headed due west into the setting sun. We have two reefs in the main and we’re bombing along, which is lovely during the day, but, at night, with the waves banging and crashing into the side of the hulls, it makes for an uneasy and difficult sleep due to the immense noise.
We’ve managed to dodge a couple of squalls, but Skipper also took one for the team on his night watch. Thankfully, it was short-lived and not too strong.
Our food stores are doing well and the daily menu is chosen by whatever fruit or veg needs eating soonest. As a result, we are having some interesting and novel concoctions, but all-in-all, we’re eating well.
We are keeping a firm eye on our staple stores of dried food, tins and cans, as it’s looking like we will need to make these last for some months as we are hear ing that some of the food supply ships to French Polynesia are struggling to cope with the demand in these difficult times.
Where we will make landfall and, will we be able to stay for longer than a few days, is our main topic of conversation, both on board, and with Tourterelle. This adventure and the sense of achievement of sailing 4,000 nautical miles across the biggest ocean in the world is marred by the restrictions put in place due to coronavirus.
While we are heading to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Islands, we still do not know if we will be able to put our anchor down in French Polynesia for longer than a few days to rest, re-provision and make repairs, before we are moved on.
The area is on lock down and we understand new arrivals are not being checked in. So, we may have to sail another five or six days to Tahiti or if they are refusing boat arrivals then it’s onwards for another couple of thousand miles until we find an island with op en borders. It’s devastating to think that we’ve sailed all this way, and may not even be allowed to set foot on land, or see anything of the beautiful French Polynesian islands.
What we do know about the lock down in Niku Hiva, is that we won’t be able to celebrate our arrival – and sailing accomplishment - with our boat friends, as there’s a veto on boat and people movement in the anchorage unless you have permission from the authorities. As soon as we drop the anchor, we will have to stay on board; even swimming and paddle boarding around the boat is banned. This is a new world for us. It may be boat life, but not as we know it.
But enough of the gloomy outlook, this morning we reached another milestone as, since leaving Panama City, we have sailed 2,000 nautical miles. In addition, this afternoon, with a further 30 nautical miles under our belt, we reached the halfway mark across the Pacific. Whoop whoop.
Indeed, this is a cause for a celebration, and I’m so glad Skipper made some more of his ginger beer, as we might just treat ourselves to another very small Dark ‘n’ Stormy cocktail to mark these fabulous achievements.
In other news…so far in the Southern Hemisphere, Skipper has cleared 22 squid and 4 flying fish off our decks, which have come out of the large waves we’re currently sailing through.
And finally, advance warning…Skipper will post his recipe for Homemade Ginger Beer on Sunday night!
Total miles sailed in 48 hours: 358
Dates: Friday 27 March and Saturday 28 March.
Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.
