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Sailing To Australia – Prepping For 14 Days In Quarantine

Writer's picture: Two DriftersTwo Drifters
As we reach the halfway mark – 750 miles sailed so far - the big topic of conversation on board is our mandatory 14 days’ hotel quarantine in Brisbane.

We know that once the boat is docked at Rivergate Marina, we’ll have about an hour before being whisked away to the hotel by police escort. So, we’ll be against the clock to get bags packed and the boat put to bed after its long passage while also dealing with check-in procedures into Australia with customs and immigration.

To close a boat down for two weeks in such a short space of time will take some organising. We will need to ensure all the perishable food in the fridge is eaten or frozen; the bins are sealed; the watermaker has a fresh-water flush – an action which currently is not working - and the inside of the boat is clean. The sails and lines must be put away, the gennaker taken down and the dock lines secured. Rinsing all the salt water off the boat will pr obably have to be left for the next rain shower.

At least our appointment with Bio-Security will be post-quarantine. We understand they are very thorough, inspecting all lockers, cupboards, fridges and bilges to check we are not harbouring any invasive species of critter and also advising what food items can remain on the boat and what gets confiscated.

I’ve already packed a bag for our stay on land! I hear you…what could we possibly need for 14 days when we won’t be allowed out of our hotel room? Well, taking plates and cutlery is prudent, as we expect the hotel meals to be served in a similar way to airline food, and we’ll probably be enjoying a few takeout meals too.

I’ve got snacks, glasses, a bottle opener, tea, coffee, tea towel and washing up liquid also set aside. Last minute items will include the laptop, kindles, phones, cables, Bluetooth speaker – and a multi-socket adapter for charging everything up. Heck…what have I misse d?

It’s feeling like a cross between going into the Big Brother House and the camp on I’m A Celebrity - hopefully without the bushtucker trials! There are a few luxury items we’ll take in with us including a bottle or two of fizz for our arrival celebration, backgammon, the yoga mats – and my goose down pillow!

In Other News… we have crossed the Tropic of Capricorn – another important landmark in our sailing adventure!

And finally, thank you so much for the lovely comments to our blogs, which Debbie has passed on to us. Good to have you sofa sailing on this trip with us 

Dates: Thursday 11th & Friday 12th November
Total miles sailed in 48 hours: 300 miles

© Two Drifters Travel

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