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Sailing To Brazil – Digging Deep

Writer's picture: Two DriftersTwo Drifters

This leg has now become a marathon and we’re having to dig deep to keep focused while getting used to a gruelling shift pattern.

Ferg, Ian and Ann are experienced helmspeople, so are sharing the need to hand steer; I’m in the galley, keeping the kettle at the ready and dishing out drinks and snacks – a bit like an air hostess to the pilots!

Each couple is now doing a four-hour helming stint at night as well as individual 1½ hour watches during the day. Taking time out to sleep or rest in between watches has become imperative. It’s tough trying to work out where the day starts and ends – and even more difficult knowing when to put on a clean pair of pants. I kid you not!!

Last night, we were joined by about 30 birds sitting on the solar panels, squawking away. At 2am, Ferg tried to shut them up by squirting water at them, but only succeeded in making them squawk louder!

We did manage to re-launch the parasail, but it came down as quickly as it went up when we spotted a small tear on it, which will need repairing once we stop. So we’re now sailing with the two front sails up – the genoa and the Code G – and trying to keep a speed of 5kts plus. If we can do 120 miles a day, we will get to Fernando by Thursday lunchtime. Whoop whoop.

However, the air is beautifully warm, the sea state has settled right down, and the winds are currently being very kind. We may get some rain tomorrow, but for now, we’re making the most of the lovely weather.

Total miles sailed in 48 hours: 253 Total miles to go to Fernando de Noronha: 363 Date: Monday 13th March 2023 Photo: Sunset reflects off the windows

© Two Drifters Travel


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