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Sailing To Brazil – One More Sleep

Writer's picture: Two DriftersTwo Drifters

This leg is up there as being one of the most frustrating and stressful trips for us to date. It’s been particularly dramatic since leaving St Helena, but we’ve proved one thing. When faced with a complete disaster and over 800-nautical miles of manual steering, we’ve managed to work through it together as a team – and tomorrow we will make landfall.

Without sounding like an Oscar speech, there are a few people on land who have been instrumental in their research, advice, thoughts and help over the last few days. So a big thank you to Tim in Menorca, Si in Australia, Derek in New Zealand, Rod and Eneias in the UK – and a huge shout out to Nigel, our 2D land crew for keeping us updated daily with news, your Facebook comments, and being our ‘Google-go-to’.

To those who have commented on our FB posts, we thank you too for your many messages of support and encouragement. And yes, Clare Wigfield, it has at times fel t like we’ve been in the Bermuda Triangle!

But we’re on the final furlong; the wind has died, the engines are on and, all being well, we will arrive at the anchorage at Fernando de Noronha tomorrow morning. Once we’ve checked in, we will kick-start a list of repairs and fixes to the autopilot, hydraulic rudders and parasail. At this stage, we don’t know how long our stop over will be or when the next leg will start.

Hoping for a bit of playtime in between jobs to show you what Fernando is like. At seven square miles, it’s the largest of 21 volcanic islands and islets that are situated 220 miles off Brazil’s north-east coast. It’s the only island which is inhabited – with 3,100 residents as well as a huge pod of spinner dolphins.

We can’t wait to drop anchor and imbibe on a Caipirinha or two, Brazil’s national cocktail :- )

Total miles sailed in 48 hours: 238

Total miles to go to Fernando de Noronha: 116

Date: Wednesday 15th March 2023

Photo: Ferg on the helm at sunset

© Two Drifters Travel


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