Today we reached the “Are We Nearly There Yet?” stage as we struggle with tiredness having spent the last couple of days battling strong winds, a rocky boat and a very uncomfortable sea state.
At times it’s been brutal with four-metre swells and far reaching waves that have hurled themselves into our cockpit dining area, as well as across the saloon windows and up onto the flybridge. There is a salty residue everywhere.
Down below in our cabin, the sheer vibration from the waves pounding the hulls is enough to shake the bed and anyone in it, making sleep very difficult. Lying in bed, exhausted after my night watch, I couldn’t understand why our main cabin lights kept switching on, until I realised a paperweight on Skipper’s bedside table was rocking so much with the motion, it was pressing the light switch on!
However, we really are nearly there now. Just one more sleep to go. It’s been an extraordinarily chal lenging crossing, but also rewarding. We’re so lucky right now to have the freedom and ability to travel, and we just can’t wait to explore Fiji.
In other news…yesterday, we had a personal best for nautical miles sailed in 24 hours, notching up a staggering 197 miles (compared to our average of 150 miles a day).
And finally…Neptune saw fit to give Skipper a dressing down for not dressing up! During my night watch, a sleepy Skipper made an unscheduled appearance thinking a squall was on its way and I might want help changing the sails. As he peered out at the stormy sky from the cockpit dining area, a large wave crashed over the side of the boat, drenching him from head to toe. It was priceless. A ‘stark’ reminder from Neptune that he should at the very least have been wearing a life jacket and preferably some clothes as well.
Total miles to SavuSavu, Fiji: 136
Scheduled Arrival date: 8am Thursday 19 August (Fiji time) / 9pm Wedn esday 18 August (UK time)
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